BminLive Zoom meetings set to grow the network!

There is much to learn about hosting online meetings and boy did we learn a lot last Wednesday holding our first Bmin Zoom meeting! We see the online sessions as a great way to grow the network and attract a greater number of amazing speakers for you.
Thanks to everyone that attended and contributed, with a special thanks to our guest speaker Fay Morgan Hine.
Fay gave us a sneak preview of a fab new App for creatives to connect directly with their fan base without the need for complex and expensive websites. She will be attending the next Bristol Beacon meeting on Wed 3rd November to tell us all about it so come along.
Bmin are in discussion with Fay, wife of the legendary producer and performer Rupert Hine, to offer this new App to our members. We hope to share more about this with you in November.
As you can see opposite we had some fun too during the session. Our next Zoom meeting will be on 1st December at 6.30pm so look out for the agenda, spread the word and see you all there.