Bmin Monthly Meeting: November 2018 with Ether Tickets Founder Charlie Townsend

Check out this months Guest Speaker subject from Charlie……..
Technology appears to have a pattern… Around every ten years, we see the next technological advances take hold and go mainstream.  Calculators, PC’s, the Internet, mobile phones, smartphones/tablets are such examples of these leaps.  As both music and technology enthusiasts, we at Ether Tickets believe that we’re at the beginning of a new cycle.  Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Crypto-currency/Tokens have had billions invested and continuing to grow.  It’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN these technologies become mainstream… What will the impact of these technologies be on music events? More importantly, what’s happening right now?  We’ll give you our thoughts…
See you on Wednesday 7th November from 12.00pm till 14.00pm.
Colston Hall, 3rd Floor Terrace Bar. Free refreshments and sandwiches.

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