FREE International Music Events Roadshow

Is your business inspired by music or music tech?

Do you have ambitions to export?

If yes and you’re interested in gaining first-hand knowledge on
how to develop your business and insight into some of the world’s
biggest and most influential music trade and showcase events,
then you should be attending this event.
Presentations and Roundtable sessions:
• Meet with representatives from BBC Introducing, SXSW and Midem.
• Meet with Industry trade associations and collection societies
including AIM, , BPI, MMF, MPA, PPL, PRS Foundation, PRS for Music,
during Roundtable Sessions and discover how they can help you
• Discover how the Department for International Trade (DIT) can
help develop your business internationally
• Find out about conferencing events and which events are right for
• Learn how to showcase your music, artists and business
• Find out about available funding and support, domestic &
• Dos and don’ts – Make the most of your time at events
This event will be split into two sections with presentations and
Roundtable sessions giving you the chance to meet and ask the

Get your FREE ticket here

12TH SEPTEMBER 2017 16:30-19:30

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